Good evening, Malden. It’s us, your friendly neighborhood Admins! We currently have 21 neighbors seeking help, and our organizers and volunteers are hard at work prioritizing and addressing them. Here are 3 ways you can help today:
Announcement: Schools closed until May 4
Please review Governor Baker’s announcement.
ACTION ITEM 1: Mystic Valley Elders Meals on Wheels Needs Your Help!
We are working with Mystic Valley Elders Meals on Wheels to urgently fill a need for volunteers to deliver meals to seniors.
We are seeking 18-20 individuals who have vehicles which are at least mid-sized (if you’ve got access to a large vehicle, even better). To help deliver food to our community’s seniors, please contact us via email at malden-community-support—
ACTION ITEM 2: Watch the Mayor’s COVID-19 Update
If you weren’t able to catch it on 3/24/20 you can watch the recording here of Mayor Christenson’s address to the Malden community, including some important updates and a live Q&A. Below are some key points from the update:
- Malden has 9 confirmed and 57 presumed COVID-19 cases as of 3/23/20
- All of Malden’s city parks and public gardens are now closed. Bike paths are still open.
- The city will be providing a series of robo-calls with COVID-19 updates
- Gov. Baker has filed legislation to extend deadlines for tax bills and property tax exemptions to June 1
- Gov. Baker has prohibited the shutoff of gas / electric / water to MA residents / businesses
- The city is directing those who require assistance and those who want to volunteer to our website and sign-up form
ACTION ITEM 3: Continue to spread the word!
We continue to be inspired by the number of folks willing to volunteer! Please continue to share the website (, the Facebook Page, and encourage anyone you know in a vulnerable population to get in touch for help (even if it may be a future need).